Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Hearing Date Set Before the AELR Committee

CAMBRIDGE – State Senator Richard F. Colburn (R-Eastern Shore) announced today that a hearing date has been set for the Administrative, Executive and Legislative Review (AELR) Committee to hear concerns about the Maryland Department of Agriculture’s proposed PMT regulations.  The hearing will be held on Wednesday, November 20, 2013 at 2 pm in the Joint Hearing Room in the Department of Legislative Services Building in Annapolis. 

Senator Colburn stated, “We have been successful in having a hearing scheduled before the AELR committee to share and discuss the numerous concerns the agriculture community has with these regulations.  It is my belief these regulations are detrimental to the agricultural industry, the number one industry in Maryland. During two public information meetings in October, close to 800 people including crop farmers, chicken growers, and others in the agricultural community attended to learn more about these proposed regulations and to share their concerns about them. I have not seen this level of angst among the agricultural community in years. This is a regulation that threatens the entire agricultural community in Maryland so it is my hope that there will be a strong showing of members from the Maryland agriculture community at the hearing.” 

Senator Richard F. Colburn Files for Re-election

CAMBRIDGE – State Senator Richard F. Colburn (R-Eastern Shore) has announced that he has filed for re-election for the 37th District seat, which includes Caroline, Dorchester, Talbot and Wicomico Counties.

Senator Colburn stated, “I have and will continue to fight for the Eastern Shore’s two most important industries- the seafood and agriculture industries.  My father was a waterman who made his living from the Chesapeake Bay; therefore, I understand the plight of Maryland’s Watermen.  Shore farmers are facing tougher regulations and a continued threat of possible law suits. 

The Hudson family and Perdue recently lost their case to try to get reimbursed for the legal expenses incurred during the suit filed against them by the University Of Maryland School Of Law on behalf of the Waterkeepers Alliance.  However, we were successful in helping to get budget language approved in the Senate which authorizes the Board of Public Works to provide contingent compensation to the Hudson family farm.  It appears they may not need a dime of this money.  But, the point/goal is that Maryland should not run farmers out of business.  Land that is actively farmed is far less damaging to the environment than when the same acreage is developed into housing tracts or shopping centers.   I will constantly fight to keep families like the Hudson’s on the family farm. 

I want to continue my long history of fighting for bridge and highway safety projects on the Eastern Shore.  We have been successful in getting $50 million in construction monies to be used towards the replacement of the Dover Bridge.  This bridge is the inter-county connector for Talbot, Southern Caroline and North Dorchester Counties.  We also secured about $50 million to be used towards the continued dualization of State Route 404. 

We are moving forward on the development of the Sailwinds property in Cambridge by securing $1.5 million ($2.5 million total) in the Capital Budget to be used towards the repair/replacement of the wharf located along the property which is essential to the property’s and Cambridge’s revitalization. 
I am proud of my pro-business/pro-veteran’s voting record. As an Eastern Shore native I know Caroline, Dorchester, Talbot and Wicomico Counties.  I am gratified to represent the 37th Districts’ four counties, 23 municipalities and 34 volunteer fire companies.  

And finally, I believe that the most important asset of any legislator is to provide good constituent service and as your State Senator I have always strived to do that.”