Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Senator Colburn Announces 10th Annual Colburn Crab Feast

On Sunday, May 4, 2014, the Citizens for Colburn Committee will be hosting the 10th Annual Crab Feast at the Cambridge American Legion Post #91 (adjacent to the Choptank River/Malkus Bridge) from 1:30-3:30 pm. 

A Crab Feast in the spring? Yes, you heard it correctly! I am proud to announce that the crabs will be hot, the beer cold, and the Eastern Shore chicken delicious. I want to break the grip of the season’s cold weather and provide an unseasonable respite from the otherwise drab days of mid-spring. I also want to honor two of the greatest and oldest industries of Maryland, seafood and agriculture. I have spent many years in the Maryland General Assembly fighting for the well-being of our citizens, farmers, watermen, and businesses, and against regulations imposed by the government that negatively impact them.

While the event is indeed a “fundraiser,” you can be sure we won’t forget the “FUN”! Our friends Byrd Dog and the Road Kings will be providing the musical entertainment and playing everyone’s favorites!

There will also be a silent auction on the agenda. I am seeking items for this event and am hoping that you or your business would donate an item, gift certificate, or a certificate of service, etc. Proceeds from the donated items would go towards the Citizens for Colburn Committee and my 2014 campaign. If you would like to make a donation, please include your business card as well as the value of the item and a suggested opening bid. If you are donating a gift certificate please mail it to 5939 Horns Point Road, Cambridge, Md. 21613, otherwise please contact 410-310-6009 to arrange for pick up of the item. I would be grateful for any donation made.

Take an early summer vacation and bring the whole family to their first 2014 crab feast! Don’t forget to bring your knives and crab mallets! Tickets are $50 per person with special discounts for sponsors. To reserve your tickets today, please send your check made payable to Citizens for Colburn Committee, PO Box 1237, Cambridge, MD 21613.

See you there!

PS- The State Fire Marshall has informed us that this year we must cut-off ticket sales at 300 people. As this is always a well-attended event, we ask everyone to please RSVP by April 28th!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Senator Colburn Receives John Shaw Award

Maryland Business for Responsive Government (MSRG), a statewide nonpartisan organization, honored Senator Richard F. Colburn for his exemplary track record of supporting pro-business legislation in 2013. He received the prestigious John Shaw Award at a ceremony in Annapolis on February 5.

Senator Colburn stated, “It is truly an honor for me to once again receive this prestigious award by fighting for our Eastern Shore businesses which are the backbone of Delmarva’s economy."

Throughout the year, MBRG’s 20-member State Advisory Council selects recorded votes from the most recent General Assembly session that have practical or philosophical importance to the widest possible range of Maryland businesses, trade associations, and chambers of commerce.  MBRG identifies the selected bills in a publication, Roll Call, and analyzes the votes to produce a score for each legislator. For the 2013 analysis, Roll Call, analyzed ten Senate votes and twelve House votes, including SB 683 (Labor and Employment Maryland Wage and Hour Law –Payment of Wages) and HB 226 (Maryland Offshore Wind Energy Act of 2013).  Senator Colburn was chosen based on the scorecard standards set by MBRG; he achieved a cumulative score of 84 percent over 28 Sessions by voting in favor of pro-business positions on important legislation.

“It’s truly an honor to recognize those elected officials – both Republican and Democrat – who are consistently working to improve the climate for business owners in Maryland, and therefore, our state economy,” said President MBRG, Duane Carey.

In recognition of his pro-business voting record, Senator Colburn received a certificate, a lapel pin, support materials for his campaign, and special recognition in Roll Call.

The award is named for John Shaw, an exemplary citizen and legislator who served his country more than 200 years ago when Annapolis was the nation’s capital. He is best known for creating a distinctive American flag with an eight-pointed star, which flew over Annapolis during the Revolutionary War and is the inspiration for the lapel pins awarded to the honorees.

Senator Colburn Receives MML Award

Senator Richard F. Colburn (R-Eastern Shore) received a 2014 Maryland Municipal League (MML) award for his contributions on behalf of all of Maryland’s cities and towns during the 2013 session at the recent annual MML Eastern Shore Chapter dinner meeting in Grasonville. 

Senator Colburn, a member of the Budget and Taxation Committee, advocated strongly in favor of retaining the additional $15.2 million in municipal highway user revenue (HUR) grant monies in the fiscal year 2014 budget when it was being debated in his subcommittee.  As a result, the monies were retained in the budget and will be dispersed to the municipalities.

Senator Colburn stated, “Because of my role as Town Manager of Federalsburg and because I represent 23 municipalities, I know firsthand the significance of these HUR monies to our Maryland towns and cities.  It’s not just the importance of salting and plowing snow covered roads and fixing pot holes.  These very monies allow our town governments to have a 5/10/15 year street maintenance plan.  And therefore, it is essential that HUR funding be maintained.”

In the delivery of the award, it was stated, “We know we can count on Senator Colburn to help us again when our additional $16 million in municipal HUR grant monies is discussed in his budget subcommittee this session.”  

The MML is a voluntary, nonprofit, nonpartisan association controlled and maintained by city and town governments.  They work to strengthen the role and capacity of municipal government through research, legislation, technical assistance, training and the dissemination of information for its members.