Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Message from Senator Colburn

I am sincerely grateful to all who voted for me in the 2010 Primary Election. I love representing the Mid-Shore and will continue to work hard on its behalf. A steadfast commitment to constituents is the highest form of public service, and I am committed to serving the people of the Eastern Shore. With the conclusion of the Primary Election, I want to thank everyone who worked on behalf of my campaign. As we now begin working on the campaign for the General Election, I want to express my appreciation for everyone who has supported me.

I want to congratulate Paul Galanek for running a clean, respectable campaign. He did remarkably well in running for Maryland’s geographically largest district with limited resources. And, in regards to those candidates who will not be continuing on to the General Election, I urge them to continue to keep their commitment to public service alive.

Thank you for your support and encouragement, it is my honor to serve you!